Ingredients for rice
500g glutinous rice
2 tablespoon of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of dark soya sauce
½ tablespoon of sesame oil
1 tablespoon of cooking oil
2 cup of water
Salt & pepper to taste
Ingredients for filling
300g chicken meat-cut in medium size (marinade with light soy sauce, chinese cooking wine, pepper and cornflour)
1 chinese sausage-cut into slices
10 mushrooms-presoaked in water until soft-cut into two if the size is big
½ tablespoon of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of dark soya sauce
½ tablespoon of sesame oil
3-4 cloves of garlic-finely chopped
Corn starch solution
Adequate amount of water
Adequate amount of cooking oil
Rinse and soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 3-4 hours
Drain and marinate with the rest of ingredients for rice for 1 hour
Steam the rice on a big bowl for 30mins to make it softer and easy to cook
Meanwhile, put the slices of chinese sausage on a heated frying pan-without any oil
The fat from the sausages will turned into oil, set aside the sausages
Add some cooking on the frying pan together with the oil from the sausages
Sauté the chopped garlic until fragrant and add in the mushroom and chicken
Continue to stir fry and mix well with the rest of the ingredients
Add in some water and let it cook for a while or until the mushroom is soft
Add in some corn starch solution if it is too watery, set aside
Put the ingredients in a greased bowl of your desired size and pour the rice on top
Steam until the rice is cooked or soft, the process will take another 45-60mins depends on your bowl size
Do check the rice from time to time, add some water in case the rice is hard and longer steaming time is required

oo, i LOVE loh mai kai!! but really a lot of work lar..i think i shall just go buy instead of making it myself! :p
hey jy~s, didn't know u're still following this blog~ hahahaa... enjoy!
yeah~ this loh mai kai looks yummy! but, is the chickie comes together with the loh mai kai wan ah? i wan i wan...
tq tq for yr support.....
ya lor after making this 'loh mai kai' i think buy better.....
mmm..... the chickie is 非卖品 huh... much much money also cannot buy one....
=.="...finally saw ur lok mai kai liao...
looks yummy neh!next time giv me 1 dozen ar...i can keep in fridge!haha!
top of it is chili sauce ar?
yeah~ she one dozen i half dozen and each of them come with one chickie! yesh!!!!
yea, the top is 'suki' sauce which is commonly used in steamboat (thai) which i normally used as sauce.......
so ah? can considered as chili sauce lor...
ah yan auntie....ah yan auntie.....
i give u 'real' chicken lor like that....
can can~ make sure it's chic lor~ i dun wan lao koi bu :P
can~~~ wait and see lor.....
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