Tuesday, November 13, 2007

PAM~KIN DESERT...by awei®

Let me think.....actually this supposed to be a soup........but after i think & think & think, this is the final outcome.....teng teng.....PUMPKIN DESERT by awei®

The regular black & white 'feel'

What i want to highlight in this recipe is simplicity.... so everything is simple & clear...:p


Ingredients........ 1/2 biji of small size pumpkin

500ml of soya bean milk

palm sugar & brown (follow yr taste)


pandan leaves (optional)


cook the pumpkin in boiling water until soft soft & drain

blend the pumpkin & soya bean milk until smooth smooth

put into the pot & bring to boil

add in the rest of ingredients to boil & simmer until the sago is soft

taste la.... wait for what! :p

1 comment:

ah yan ♥ said...

some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~ some more~