Still remember the satay bee hoon? Here another simple dish to prepare….the leftover satay sauce can use for many many things… this is one of it, just blanch the kangkung (water spinach) until soft –around few mins & pour the satay sauce over, to add flavors can garnish with chopped peanut. The sauce can go with many many types of seafood, pourlty & vege. Use our imagination & creativity change with your own twist, as I say cooking is always that fun…. Nothing is fixed....

then next time i just go n tabao one big packet of satay sauce, so i can play magic on food loh hor~
yer~~~~~not sincere one.... food will not taste good one!
as long as the sauce taste good~ watever food oso nice wan lar
try lor.... see whether i'm right or not....
i'll try when i'm 'nearer' to u so tat i can proof my point immediately!
wahahahahahahahaha...sorry..i laugh again!u two ha!really very cute leh!
haiyo...idol ar..altough yan buy the satay sauce..but she pandai play magic 1!
and hoh..u two seem wan gaduh jor..haha!i wan run away 1st~~u 2 slow slow ha~~
curry curry, no worries we're like that one....
her concept of cooking is DIFFERENT from mine.... so ah....
let mar her try lor.....:P
ya lor curry dun need to run away. if we fight hor... he always win wan, because auntie me dun buwwie small boy wan~
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